As the natural world awakens, emerging from the dark days of winter, optimism and new energy fills the air. Plants and flowers are reborn. Colours and scents slowly surround us: darling buds, flowering bulbs, greening hedgerows, cherry blossoms bursting into pink and white beneath endless blue skies.

This March West Acre Gallery hopes to capture that feeling of spring in one moment, suspended in time. The sense of ebullience, hope, playfulness and promise as the days lengthen and the sun crosses the celestial equator.

For this showcase, 17 of West Acre Gallery’s resident artists have united for seven weeks to present the first in a series of three long form exhibitions for 2023, followed by Suspended in Time: Summer Sensations (8 weeks in July/August) and Suspended in Time: Autumn Reflections (8 weeks in September/October).

Here you will experience the full spectrum of spring, saturated in lime greens, blush pinks, deep reds and calming violets, from Elizabeth Fitzgerald Carter’s serene landscape Far Horizons to EVES’ energetic street art-inspired Shore Thing.

Illustrator Rose Reuben captures a spring moment of contemplation beautifully with the whimsical Wildflower: Champion of the World. Painter Paul Smith recreates Norfolk’s atmospheric big skies in Brancaster Shimmer, En Suite Sunset and Misty Morning Beeston.

These are just some of the paintings, prints, illustrations and glass works elegantly reflecting spring’s beauty; of Norfolk in bloom, and its shifting tide of coloured skies.

The gallery’s pop up gift shop will also be open, selling locally made crafts and art inspired gifts, cards and prints made with love by local artists.

Suspended in Time: Spring Introspections, open 11am-4pm Fridays to Sundays only, 3 March to 16 April.